Unterirdische World Heritage List

Die World Heritage List der UNESCO ist inzwischen weltweit bekannt. Etwa 700 von der Menschheit erstellte oder natürliche Sehenswürdigkeiten werden durch einen internationalen Vertrag, den bisher 52 Länder unterzeichnet haben, geschützt. Ein erhebliche Anteil dieser Sehenswürdigkeiten sind unterirdisch, und dies ist die Zusammenstelung dieser Sehenswürdigkeiten. 41 der Orte auf der World Heritage Liste haben einen Bezug zu Karst.

Land Jahr Eintrag Ort(e)
Ägypten 1979 SWHLNubian Monuments from Abu Simbel to Philae SubterraneaAbu Simbel
Äthiopien 1978 SWHLRock-Hewn Churches, Lalibela SubterraneaLalibela
Algerien 1982 SWHLTassili n'Ajjer CaveTassili n'Ajjer
1982 SWHLM'Zab Valley CaveGhardaïa
Argentinien 1999 SWHLCueva de las Manos, Río Pinturas ShowcaveCueva de las Manos
Armenien 2000 SWHLMonastery of Geghard and the Upper Azat Valley SubterraneaGeghard Monastery
Australien 1986 SWHLGondwana Rainforests of Australia KarstNatural Bridge Springbrook
1987 SWHLUluru-Kata Tjuta National Park CaveUluru
1994 SWHLAustralian Fossil Mammal Sites (Riversleigh / Naracoorte) ShowcaveVictoria Fossil Cave
KarstRiversleigh World Heritage Area
Belgien 2000 SWHLThe Neolithic Flint Mines at Spiennes (Mons) MineLes minières de silex néolithique de Spiennes
2012 SWHLMajor Mining Sites of Wallonia MineGrand Hornu
MineEcomusée du Bois-du-Luc
MineBois du Cazier
Bolivien 1987 SWHLCity of Potosí MinePotosi Cooperative Mines
Botswana 2001 SWHLTsodilo CaveTsodilo Rock Paintings
Brasilien 1991 SWHLSerra da Capivara National Park CaveSerra da Capivara National Park
Bulgarien 1979 SWHLThracian Tomb of Kazanlak SubterraneaKazanluk Tomb
1979 SWHLRock-Hewn Churches of Ivanovo SubterraneaIvanovo Rock Churches
1983 SWHLRila Monastery SubterraneaCave of St. Ivan Rilski
1985 SWHLThracian Tomb of Sveshtari SubterraneaThracian Tomb of Sveshtari
Chile 2005 SWHLHumberstone and Santa Laura Saltpeter Works MineMuseo de Sitio Oficinas Salitreras Humberstone y Santa Laura
China 1987 SWHLPeking Man Site at Zhoukoudian ShowcaveZhoukoudian
1992 SWHLJiuzhaigou Valley Scenic and Historic Interest Area KarstFive-Flower Lake
1992 SWHLHuanglong Scenic and Historic Interest Area KarstHuanglong
1992 SWHLWulingyuan Scenic and Historic Interest Area ShowcaveHuanglong
1994 SWHLMogao Caves SubterraneaDunhuang Mogao Caves
1999 SWHLDazu Rock Carvings SubterraneaDazu Grottoes
2000 SWHLLongmen Grottoes SubterraneaLongmen Grottoes
2001 SWHLYungang Grottoes SubterraneaYungang Grottoes
2007 SWHLSouth China Karst KarstThree Natural Bridges
Dänemark 2000 SWHLKronborg Castle SubterraneaKronborg Slot
Deutschland 1978 International Register of Cultural Property under Special Protection SubterraneaKulturbunker Barbarastollen
1992 SWHLMines of Rammelsberg, Historic Town of Goslar and Upper Harz Water Management System MineMines of Rammelsberg
2001 SWHLZollverein Coal Mine Industrial Complex in Essen MineZeche Zollverein
2018 SWHLCaves and Ice Age Art in the Swabian Jura RegionBlautal
2019 SWHLErzgebirge/Krušnohoří Mining Region RegionErzgebirge
Frankreich 1979 SWHLDecorated Grottoes of the Vézère Valley RegionVézère Valley
ShowcaveGrottes de Bernifal
ShowcaveAbri Préhistorique du Cap Blanc
ShowcaveGrotte des Combarelles
ShowcaveGrotte de Font-de-Gaume
ShowcaveGrotte de Lascaux
ShowcaveAbri de Laugerie-Haute
ShowcaveAbri de la Madeleine
ShowcaveLa Micoque
ShowcaveAbri du Moustier
ShowcaveAbri du Poisson
ShowcaveGrotte de Rouffignac
1981 SWHLArles, Roman and Romanesque Monuments SubterraneaArles Cryptoportiques du Forum
1992 SWHLFrom the Great Saltworks of Salins-les-Bains to the Royal Saltworks of Arc-et-Senans, the Production of Open-pan Salt MineSaline Royale d'Arc-et-Senans
MineGrande Saline de Salins-les-Bains
2008 SWHLFortifications of Vauban ShowcaveGrotte historique de Cova Bastera
2012 SWHLNord-Pas de Calais Mining Basin MineCentre Historique Minier Lewarde
2014 SWHLDecorated Cave of Pont d’Arc, known as Grotte Chauvet-Pont d’Arc, Ardèche SubterraneaExposition Grotte Chauvet
CaveGrotte Chauvet
2023 SWHLFunerary and memory sites of the First World War (Western Front) SubterraneaFort de Douaumont
SubterraneaFort de Vaux
Großbritannien 1986 SWHLIronbridge Gorge MineIronbridge Gorge Mining Museum
MineTar Tunnel
1999 SWHLHeart of Neolithic Orkney SubterraneaMaeshowe
2006 SWHLCornwall and West Devon Mining Landscape RegionCornwall
Griechenland 1992 SWHLPythagoreion and Heraion of Samos SubterraneaTunnel of Eupalinus, Samos
1999 SWHLArchaeological Sites of Mycenae and Tiryns SubterraneaCistern of Ancient Mycenae SubterraneaAcropolis of Ancient Tiryns
1999 SWHLThe Historic Centre (Chorá) with the Monastery of Saint-John the Theologian and the Cave of the Apocalypse on the Island of Pátmos CaveCave of the Apocalypse
Indien 1983 SWHLAjanta Caves SubterraneaAjanta Caves
1983 SWHLEllora Caves SubterraneaEllora Caves
1984 SWHLGroup of Monuments at Mahabalipuram SubterraneaMahabalipuram Caves
1987 SWHLElephanta Caves SubterraneaElephanta Caves
2003 SWHLRock Shelters of Bhimbetka CaveBhimbetka
2014 SWHLRani-ki-Vav (the Queen’s Stepwell) at Patan, Gujarat SubterraneaRani Ki Vav
Indonesien 2019 SWHLOmbilin Coal Mining Heritage of Sawahlunto MineSawahlunto Coal Mine Museum
Irland 1986 SWHLThe Giant’s Causeway and Causeway Coast CaveGiant’s Causeway
1993 SWHLBrú na Bóinne - Archaeological Ensemble of the Bend of the Boyne SubterraneaNewgrange
Israel 2001 SWHLOld City of Acre SubterraneaAcre
2012 SWHLSites of Human Evolution at Mount Carmel: The Nahal Me’arot / Wadi el-Mughara Caves ShowcaveNahal Me’arot Caves
2019 SWHLCaves of Maresha and Bet-Guvrin in the Judean Lowlands as a Microcosm of the Land of the Caves SubterraneaMaresha SubterraneaBell Caves
Italien 1993 SWHLThe Sassi and the Park of the Rupestrian Churches of Matera RegionSassi di Matera
1998 SWHLCilento and Vallo di Diano National Park with the Archeological Sites of Paestum and Velia, and the Certosa di Padula GeoparkGeoparco Cilento, Vallo di Diano e Alburni
2005 SWHLSyracuse and the Rocky Necropolis of Pantalica SubterraneaLatomie
Japan 2007 SWHLIwami Ginzan Silver Mine and its Cultural Landscape MineIwami Ginzan
2013 SWHLFujisan, sacred place and source of artistic inspiration ShowcaveHito-ana
2015 SWHLSites of Japan’s Meiji Industrial Revolution: Iron and Steel, Shipbuilding and Coal Mining MineHashima Mine
2021 SWHLAmami-Oshima Island, Tokunoshima Island, Northern part of Okinawa Island, and Iriomote Island Mine大石林山 (Daisekirinzan)
Jordanien 1985 SWHLPetra ShowcavePetra
Kenia 2019 SWHLTsavo Parks and Chyulu Hills Complex CaveLeviathan Caves
CaveShetani Caves
Kolumbien 1995 SWHLNational Archeological Park of Tierradentro SubterraneaTierradentro Rock Tombs
Kroatien 1979 SWHLPlitvice Lakes National Park KarstPlitvice Lakes National Park
2007 SWHLAncient and Primeval Beech Forests of the Carpathians and Other Regions of Europe ShowcaveManita pećina
Kuba 2019 SWHLViñales Valley ShowcaveCueva del Palmarito
ShowcaveCueva de la Vaca
Libanon 1990 SWHLOuadi Qadisha (the Holy Valley) and the Forest of the Cedars of God (Horsh Arz el-Rab) ShowcaveMagharet Qadisha
SubterraneaMar Antonios Kozhaya
SubterraneaMonastery of Our Lady of Hawqa
SubterraneaMonastery of Mar Lishaa
SubterraneaOur Lady Of Quannoubine Monastry
Luxembourg 1994 SWHLCity of Luxembourg: its Old Quarters and Fortifications SubterraneaLes casemates du Bock
SubterraneaLes Drois Glands
SubterraneaLes casemates de la Pétrusse
Madagascar 1990 SWHLTsingy de Bemaraha Strict Nature Reserve KarstTsingy de Bemaraha
Mali 1989 SWHLCliff of Bandiagara (Land of the Dogons) SubterraneaBandiagara Escarpment, Mali
Malta 1980 SWHLĦal Saflieni Hypogeum SubterraneaĦal Saflieni Hypogeum
Marokko 2004 SWHLPortuguese City of Mazagan (El Jadida) SubterraneaPortuguese Cistern
Mexiko 1988 SWHLHistoric Town of Guanajuato and Adjacent Mines MineValenciana Mines
Montenegro 2019 SWHLDurmitor National Park CaveJelovačka Pećina
MineLedena pećina
CaveTitova pećina
Norwegen 1980 SWHLRøros Mining Town and the Circumference MineOlavsgruva Røros
Philippinen 1999 SWHLPuerto-Princesa Subterranean River National Park CaveSt Paul Subterranean River National Park
Polen 1978 SWHLWieliczka Salt Mine MineWieliczka Salt Mine
2013 SWHLWieliczka and Bochnia Royal Salt Mines MineBochnia Salt Mine
2017 SWHLTarnowskie Góry Lead-Silver-Zinc Mine and its Underground Water Management System MineZabytkowa Kopalnia Srebra w Tarnowskich Górach
2019 SWHLKrzemionki Prehistoric Striped Flint Mining Region MinePrahistoryczne Kopalnie Krzemienia w Krzemionkach
Portugal 1978 SWHLCultural Landscape of Sintra SubterraneaQuinta da Regaleira
Saudiarabien 2018 SWHLAl-Ahsa Oasis, an Evolving Cultural Landscape ShowcaveJebal Al Qarah
Schweden 1988 SWHLMining Area of the Great Copper Mountain in Falun MineStora Kopparberget
1993 SWHLEngelsberg Ironworks MineEngelsbergs Bruk
Slowakische Republik 1993 SWHLHistoric Town of Banská Štiavnica and the Technical Monuments in its Vicinity MineBanská Štiavnica
MineHodruša Hámre
1995 SWHLCaves of Aggtelek Karst and Slovak Karst RegionSlovensky Kras
2000 SWHLCaves of Aggtelek Karst and Slovak Karst ShowcaveDobšinská L'adová Jaskyna
Slowenien 1988 SWHLŠkocjan Caves ShowcaveŠkocjan Caves
2012 SWHLHeritage of Mercury. Almadén and Idrija MineParque Minero de Almadén
MineAntonijev Rov
Sri Lanka 1982 SWHLAncient City of Sigiriya Cave
1991 SWHLRangiri Dambulla Cave Temple SubterraneaDambulla
Südafrika 1999 SWHLFossil Hominid Sites of South Africa ShowcaveSterkfontein Caves
Süd Korea 1995 SWHLSeokguram Grotto and Bulguksa Temple SubterraneaSeokguram Grotto
2007 SWHLJeju Volcanic Island and Lava Tubes CaveGimnyeongsagul
ShowcaveHyeopjae Gul
ShowcaveJeongbang Gul
ShowcaveManjang Gul
ShowcaveSanbang Gul
Spanien 1985 SWHLAltamira Cave ShowcaveAltamira Cave
1986 SWHLOld Town of Cáceres SubterraneaAljibe Andalusí
1987 SWHLCathedral, Alcázar and Archivo de Indias in Seville SubterraneaBaños de Doña María de Padilla
1997 SWHLLas Médulas MineLas Médulas
1998 SWHLRock Art of the Mediterranean Basin on the Iberian Peninsula CaveSantuario del Pla de Petracos
ShowcaveCova Remígia
SubterraneaMuseo de la Valltorta
1999 SWHLIbiza, Biodiversity and Culture SubterraneaPuig des Molins Nekropolis
2000 SWHLArchaeological Ensemble of Tarraco SubterraneaCirc romà
2000 SWHLArchaeological Site of Atapuerca ShowcaveAtapuerca
2008 SWHLCave of Altamira and Paleolithic Cave Art of Northern Spain ShowcaveCueva de La Peña
ShowcaveCuevo de Tito Bustillo
CaveCueva de Covaciella
CaveCueva de Llonín
ShowcaveCueva del Pindal
ShowcaveCueva de Chufín
ShowcaveCueva de Hornos de la Peña
ShowcaveCuevas de El Castillo y Las Monedas
ShowcaveCueva de El Pendo
Cueva de La Garma
ShowcaveCueva de Covalanas
ShowcaveCueva de Santimamiñe, es
ShowcaveCueva de Ekain
CaveCueva de Altxerri
2012 SWHLHeritage of Mercury. Almadén and Idrija MineParque Minero de Almadén
MineAntonijev Rov
2019 SWHLRisco Caido and the Sacred Mountains of Gran Canaria Cultural Landscape SubterraneaCentro de Interpretación de Risco Caído
Tschechische Republik 1992 SWHLHistoric Centre of Ceský Krumlov MineGrafitový dul Český Krumlov
1995 SWHLKutná Hora: Historical Town Centre with the Church of St Barbara and the Cathedral of Our Lady at Sedlec MineMuzeum s Stredveké Dulni Dilo
1999 SWHLLitomyšl Castle SubterraneaZámecké sklepení Litomyšl
2019 SWHLErzgebirge/Krušnohoří Mining Region RegionErzgebirge
Türkei 1985 SWHLGöreme National Park and the Rock Sites of Cappadocia SubterraneaCappadocia
SubterraneaGöreme National Park
1988 SWHL485 KarstPamukkale
2015 SWHLEphesus SubterraneaEshab-i Kehf - Grotto of Seven Sleepers
Ukraine 1990 SWHLKyiv: Saint-Sophia Cathedral and Related Monastic Buildings, Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra SubterraneaKiev Pechersk Lavra
Ungarn 1987 SWHLBudapest, including the Banks of the Danube, the Buda Castle Quarter and Andrássy Avenue SubterraneaMillennium Underground Museum
ShowcaveBudai Vár-barlang
1995 SWHLCaves of Aggtelek Karst and Slovak Karst RegionAggtelek Karst
2001 SWHLFertö / Neusiedlersee Cultural Landscape SubterraneaFertőrákosi Barlangszínház
Vanuatu 2008 SWHLChief Roi Mata’s Domain CaveFels Cave
Venezuela 1994 SWHLCanaima National Park CaveCueva del Fantasma
GorgeCuevas de Kavac
CaveSalto El Sapo
Vereinigte Staten von Amerika 1978 SWHLMesa Verde National Park SubterraneaMesa Verde
1979 SWHLGrand Canyon National Park GorgeGrand Canyon
1981 SWHLMammoth Cave National Park ShowcaveMammoth Cave National Park
1987 SWHLHawaii Volcanoes National Park ShowcaveThurston Lava Tube
1995 SWHLCarlsbad Caverns National Park ShowcaveCarlsbad Caverns National Park
Vietnam 1994 SWHLHa Long Bay RegionHa Long Bay
2003 SWHLPhong Nha-Ke Bang National Park RegionPhong Nha-Ke Bang National Park
ShowcavePhong Nha Cave
ShowcaveDong Tien Son
2014 SWHLTrang An Landscape Complex ShowcaveTam Cốc
ShowcaveHung Trang An
CaveChùa Bích Động
Zimbabwe 2003 SWHLMatobo Hills CaveInanke Cave
Zypern 1980 SWHLPaphos SubterraneaTombs of the Kings