Ледена пећина

Ledena pećina - Ice Cave

Useful Information

Location: National Park Durmitor, Ivan Do, Žabljak 84220.
From Niksic take E762, at Jasenovo Polje take P5 Narodnih Heroja towards Pljevlja, at Žabljak turn left through the village. Follow signs "Crno jezero" and "Nacionalni park". From the parking lot at the end of the road its 3 to 4 hours walk.
(43.1395828, 19.0495994)
Open: no restrictions.
Durmitor National Park Visitor Centre: All year daily 9-17.
Fee: Adults EUR 3, Children (0-6) free.
Parking EUR 2.
Classification: SpeleologyKarst Cave SpeleologyIce Cave
Light: bring torch
Dimension: L=100 m, A=2,180 m asl. Entrance Chamber: H=20 m, W=40 m.
Guided tours: self guided
Photography: allowed
Accessibility: no
Address: Durmitor National Park, Žabljak, Tel: +382-67-091-156. E-mail:
Nacionalni parkovi Crne Gore, Trg vojvode Bećir-bega Osmanagića 16, 81000 Podgorica, Tel: +382-20-60-10-15, Fax: +382-20-60-10-16. E-mail:
Tourist organization Žabljak. E-mail:
As far as we know this information was accurate when it was published (see years in brackets), but may have changed since then.
Please check rates and details directly with the companies in question if you need more recent info.


1952 Durmitor National Park created.
1980 Durmitor National Park inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List.


Ледена пећина (Ledena pećina, Ice Cave) is located in Durmitor National Park at an altitude of 2,180 m asl. This is a typical ice cave of the cold trap type. The entrance leads down into a huge hall, cold air flows in and is trapped. The slope of the entrance section is a snow field, or if you prefer this term, a glacier. The snow falling into the entrance does not melt due to the cold cave air, so the snow stays over the year. To enter the cave you have to walk down this snow field, which might be a little tricky, climbing irons are probably a good idea. The floor of the huge chamber is mostly level and covered by massive ice stalagmites.

While this cave is open and accessible, a visit is difficult, requires physical fitness and surefootedness. The walk starts at Hotel "Durmitor" in Pitomine. The walk to the cave is 7 km long and ascends 740 m, which is about 3 to 4 hours, probably 2 to 3 hours for experienced mountaineers. With the cave visit and the way back this is obviously a day trip. But despite the cave you are rewarded by a great view and fantastic mountains. For this cave preparation, the right equipment, and care are even more important than for other wild caves. Many visitors organize themselves into walking groups or hire a guide for the hike.

The Durmitor National Park was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1980. One of the reasons was the existence of spectacular caves. The Ice Cave is one of them, the park also includes Montenegro's deepest cave.

While there are actually no restrictions, good weather is essential for Alpine terrain. We recommend dry days during summer, however, with the right skiing equipment you may visit in winter too.