Bunkermuseum Rennsteig

Ausweichführungsstelle der Bezirksverwaltung Suhl des Ministeriums für Staatssicherheit (MfS)

Useful Information

Location: Im Hotel Waldhotel "Rennsteighöhe", in Frauenwald/Rennsteig.
Open: 11-MAR to 27-APR Sat, Sun, Hol 11-16.
28-APR to 04-NOV daily 10-17.
05-NOV to 24-DEC Sat, Sun, Hol 11-16.
25-DEC to 10_MAR daily 11-16.
Tours hourly on the full hour.
Fee: Adults EUR 4.50, Children (6-16) EUR 2.50, Children (0-5) free, Disabled EUR 3.
Groups (20+): Adults EUR 3.50, Children (6-16) EUR 2.
Classification: SubterraneaSecret Bunker
Light: LightIncandescent
Dimension: Ar=3,600m²
Guided tours: D=45 min.
Address: Waldhotel "Rennsteighöhe", Am Rothenberg 1, 98711 Frauenwald/Rennsteig, Tel: +49-36782-62200, Fax: +49-36782-62201.
As far as we know this information was accurate when it was published (see years in brackets), but may have changed since then.
Please check rates and details directly with the companies in question if you need more recent info.


1973 to 1976 Bunker built.
2004 Bunkermuseum opened.


This is one of at last 15 bunkers of the Stasi on the area of the former DDR (German Democratic Republic). It lies on (or better under) the grounds of the hotel Waldhotel "Rennsteighöhe". This bunker was built so secretly, that not even neighbours knew it existed. To make this possible, a military holiday residence was built nearby, and several concrete transports were redirected into the forest to build the bunker.

The bunker was planned as a so called Führungsbunker, by the Ministeriums für Staatssicherheit (MfS - Ministry of the Interior), infamous for their spying of the own people. It was the local headquarters for the local government of Suhl. All in all a typical nuclear bunker from the cold war able to ensure the survival of a crew of 42 men for up to one year.

In case of atomic radiation or the usage of chemical weapons the bunker could provide six to eight days of security. The bunker could be sealed air tight and machines would produce oxygene to make it absolutely autarchic. But this situation was considered very unlikely, because of the remote location.

As a headquarters, the bunker should provide shelter for the staff of the MfS and govern the county of Suhl. The bunker was well equipped with modern telecommunication equipment, own power supply, telephone, teleprinter, radio technology and spying equipment. Anti radiation overalls, showers for detoxication, power supply, tanks, and air condition are still there but most of them do not work any more.

An astonishing aspect of a bunker visit is the sobering discernment, that neither the efficiency nor the comfort of such a bunker is comparable to western bunkers. The golden water taps, presumed by the GDR people did not exist and the feared russian weapon technology neither. The visit is a Gruseltour (scary tour), even called so by todays administrator.