Peniger Kellerberggänge

Cellars of Penig

Useful Information

Location: Leipziger Strasse 52, 09322 Penig.
In the historic town center of Penig.
(50.937032, 12.698836)
Open: All year, second and fourth weekend every month, Sat, Sun, Hol 14-17, last entry 16:30.
Fee: Adults EUR 3.50, Children (3-18) EUR 1.50.
Groups (10+): Adults EUR 2.50, Children (3-18) EUR 1.
Classification: SubterraneaCellar, historic beer cellars.
Light: LightIncandescent
Dimension: L=2,000 m.
Guided tours: L=500m
Bibliography: Wolfgang Enghardt (1982): Die Peniger Kellerberggänge, Der Höhlenforscher, 14 (1982) S. 16-26, 32-33, 36-40, 48. 1 Karte (Deutsch - German)
Address: Peniger Kellerberggänge, Stadtverwaltung Penig, Markt 6, 09322 Penig, Tel: +49-37381-95944, Fax: +49-37381-95923. E-mail: contact
As far as we know this information was accurate when it was published (see years in brackets), but may have changed since then.
Please check rates and details directly with the companies in question if you need more recent info.


1511 first cellars built by Wolff and Peter Rotte.
1560 cellars completed.
1856 beer cellars closed, partly filled in.
1926 rediscovered, explored, surveyed, electric light installed.
1927 opened for the 700th anniversary of the town.
1933 closed for the public.
1939 construction of an air raid shelter.
1977 opened for the 750th anniversary of the town.
1990 closed because of dilapidation.
1993 renovation.
1995 reoPenig.
2002 construction works for the relocation of the entrance.
17-MAR-2003 new entrance in the Leipziger Straße 52a inaugurated.


The Cellars in Penig were used from the 16th to the 19th century as beer cellars for the locally famous beer of Penig. The oldest official document is in the city chronic named Peniger Stadtbuch (1455-1541). At a place called Schyndegraben (skinners ditch), outside the city, two brothers named Wolf und Peter Rodten started to built the first cellars in the year 1511. Later the cellar was built by all citizens of Penig with the rigth to brew beer, as a communal cellar. At this time about 250 of the 270 houeses had the right to brew. In the year 1560 the cellars were completed, with a length of 2,000 m.

The excavation of the cellar was done very professional, but why there was such a knowledge and where the removed rocks went, it not known. The cellars are very elaborate, they even have drainage and ventilation. So it is easy to beleive, that the cellar was used during wars as a hideout, as told in old legends. There is a central main passage, with small caverns branching off to the left and right, every few meters. Here the beer was stored. Additionally there are three big chambers, the biggest one is 8 by 8 meters. They are sometimes used for parties.

The cellar was abandoned in 1856, and the officals from nearby Rochlitz ordered it to be filled in. After some time numerous legends about the former cellars were told. Some said they were part of a defense system, others said there were secret tunnels to the neighbor towns. Such legends exist all over the world, in this case they are all untrue.

The cellars were first restored for the 700th anniversary of the town in 1927. During the waqr they were used as air raid shelter, but there were no public tours any more. After the war they were again abandoned and soon they were forgotten. In 1977, for the 750th anniversary they had to be restored. Since this time they are again open for the public, only in 1990 and 2002 they were closed for some time for renovation.