Дубочка пећина

Dubočka Pećina - Dubcka Cave - Dubocka Jama

Useful Information

Location: Duboka, near Kucevo.
From Belgrade follow 33 east, after Kucevo follow 33 11 km, turn left through Lanka to Duboka. 350 m/10 minutes walk from the village. Follow the road to Radenska along the river, before the road crosses the river turn left, at the end of the single lane road.
(44.5509617, 21.7658751)
Open: no restrictions.
Fee: free.
Classification: SpeleologyKarst Cave
Light: bring torch
Dimension: L=2,734 m, VR=65 m, A=321 m asl.
Guided tours: self guided, L=132 m.
Photography: allowed
Accessibility: no
Bibliography: Б. П. Јовановић (1951): Велика пећина код Дубоке, Зборник радова САН књ.VIII, Географски институт књ.I 1951. српски - srpski - Serbian
Address: Tourist Info Center Kučevo, Trg Veljka Dugoševića 14, 12240 Kučevo, Tel: +381-12/850-850. E-mail:
As far as we know this information was accurate when it was published (see years in brackets), but may have changed since then.
Please check rates and details directly with the companies in question if you need more recent info.


1895 first speleological exploration by Serbian geographer Jovan Cvijić.
1951 explored by Branislav Jovanović.
2000-2001 exploration by Akademski speleološko-alpinistički klub (ASAK), Academic speleological and mountaineering club, Belgrade.


Дубочка пећина or Dubočka pećina (Duboka Cave), named after nearby village Duboka, is a huge passage with flat floor and easily visited. That’s why it is also called Велика пећина or Velika pećina (Big Cave). The entrance portal is 25 m wide and 20 m high, the entrance passage is up to 40 m wide and up to 31 m high. Actually only the first 130 m are suitable for visitors, from this point caving gear is required. This first part has several openings, so lamps are actually not necessary. However, after heavy rains the Понорска река (Abyssal River) flows through the cave, and it’s not possible to visit.

The cave system has three main passages. The Главног канала (Main Passage) is 1,010 m long, but only the first section is open to visitors. It ends at Цвијићевог вира (Cvijić’s spring), which is actually a small seasonal spring. The second section ends at the Глиновитим каналом (Clay Passage) and is 458 m long. The third section is to the Русаљкиним каналом (Rusaljka Passage) and 265 m long. The fourth and last section is 155 m long, and it ends at the понора (Ponor).

The first branch off, the Глиновитим каналом (Clay Passage) on the left is 510 m long and ends in the Дворана «Паклена гора» (Paklena Gora Chamber) which is 33 m long, 11 m wide, and 20 m high. A small opening called Царске двери (Imperial Door) is the connection to the final chamber, the Царска Ризница (Imperial Treasury). 37 m long, up to 22 m wide, and 10 m high it is the most beautiful part of Dubočka Cave. It is covered with beautiful speleothems, stalactites, stalagmites and many other speleothems, most of them pure white.

The second branch off, the Русаљкиним каналом (Rusaljka Passage) is 380 m long. This passage is rather small and was named after a stalagmite which resembles Rusaljka, the main character of a local legend.

According to a report in The British Caver in 1987, the cave was planned to be opened as a show cave. Actually, this never happened because of the war which broke out two years later.

Nearby Ševička pećina is also published on many webpages, and listed as a potential tourist site. However, this cave is definitely not suitable for tourist visits, it requires caving. We have decided not to list this cave, but want to issue a warning here: if you want to visit this cave, do this with real cavers. It is not suitable for tourists, it is hard to find, a lot of walking, requires physical fitness, caving skills, equipment, and a group of people.