Grotte del Sogno

Useful Information

Location: La Vetta, 29, 24016 La Vetta BG.
In La Vetta, near San Pellegrino, 16 km North of Bergamo. Leave SS470 at the roundabout before the tunnel and take the main road to San Pellegrino. After 1.3 km turn left on the road to Frasnito, La Vetta, which goes steep up the mountainside. Parking is available where the road splits to La Vetta and Aplecchio.
(45.8436135, 9.6569095)
Open: JUL to AUG Sat 15-16:30, Sun 10-11:30, 14:30-17:30.
Online booking mandatory.
Fee: Adults EUR 5, Children (0-7) EUR 3.
Classification: SpeleologyKarst Cave
Light: LightIncandescent
Dimension: L=60 m, VR=30 m, T=12 °C.
Guided tours: D=30 min.
Address: Società Cooperativa O.T.E.R., Via San Carlo 4, San Pellegrino Terme (BG) – P.IVA 04286260163, Tel: +39-0345-21020. E-mail:
OTER Orobie Tourism, Experience of Real, Oneta Street 1, San Giovanni Bianco, Tel: +39-371-1465312. E-mail:
As far as we know this information was accurate when it was published (see years in brackets), but may have changed since then.
Please check rates and details directly with the companies in question if you need more recent info.


1931 discovered by Ermenegildo Zanchi.
1932 opened to the public.
1940s second entrance tunnel built at a lower level.
01-MAY-2012 reopened to the public.


The Grotte del Sogno (Caves of the Dream) is an old show cave, which had its heyday when San Pellegrino still was a famous and popular spa. People staying at the town for medical reasons had a lot of time, and so they went to the cave, which was quite simple at this time: there was a funicular from the center to La Vetta. They went up for the view, took a short walk, and the cave came in handy as an additional point for sightseeing and killing time.

The cave was discovered by Ermenegildo Zanchi, who was called nonno degli abissi (grandfather of the abysses). Only one year later it was opened to the public, the first show cave in Lombardy. It was quite popular for some time, but when the visitors dropped in San Pellegrino, the funicular and the cave were closed.

The cave is quite small and narrow, and the trail is rather steep with lots of staircases. The speleothems are small and unimpressive. This cave does actually not apply as a worthwhile show cave, but it had this big fortune with the location at the famous spa. It has now been reopened by an initiative of locals, and we recommend to visit it, just to support their work, and for the breathtaking view. And to make the tour at least a little more interesting, everyone gets a helmet. Definitely fun for children if they are big enough for the staircases.