Tannes et glacières du Margériaz

Useful Information

Location: Place à Baban, 73340 Aillon-Le-Jeune.
From Aillon-le-Jeune follow D59 north for 2 km, turn left to skiing area Margériaz Location Ekosport. At the third U-turn right ("Place à Baban") follow gravel road straight ahead signed "Sentier des Tannes et Glacières". After 550 m parking lot for karst trail.
(45.634878, 6.067296)
Open: MAY to NOV no restrictions.
Fee: free.
Classification: TopicSentier Karstique KarstBare Karst SpeleologyKarst Cave
Light: bring torch.
Guided tours: self guided, L=5 km, VR=420 m, D=4.5 h.
Short: D=2 h, VR=200 m.
Photography: allowed
Accessibility: no
Address: Le Sentier des Tannes et Glacières du Margériaz, Place à Baban, 73340 Aillon-Le-Jeune, Tel: +33-479-54-63-65.
As far as we know this information was accurate when it was published (see years in brackets), but may have changed since then.
Please check rates and details directly with the companies in question if you need more recent info.



Tannes et glacières du Margériaz (Daylight shaft and ice caves of the Margériaz) is a sentier karstique, a karst trail. Located on the eastern slopes of Mont Margériaz above the village Aillon-le-Jeune, it is reached by following the signs to the skiing area Margériaz 1400. At elevations about 1500 m asl, it is accessible only during summer when there is no snow. It is named after the typical caves on the limestone plateau of Margériaz, the tanne. Tanne is the local word for daylight shaft, and it is not French, it's the local Savoien dialect. The karst trail has 9 stops, one of them is a semi-wild cave which is equipped with trails and ladders.

Actually there are two different circles, a long and a short circle. To use the short circle, turn off at the Bergerie chalets at point 4, on the Grand Raffou (1590 m asl). It's also possible to extend the tour at stop 6 to the ridge and then to the summit of Mont Margériaz, about 100 m higher.

There is no restriction to the path, but It's difficult to walk if there is snow, so it is realistically open only if there is no snow.