Westwallmuseum Mettlach

Useful Information

Location: Saaruferstraße, 66693 Mettlach.
A8 exit 5 Merzig-Schwemlingen, B51 toward Mettlach, at Hotel Saarpark/Mettlacher Abtei Bräu turn right, first left.
(49.4977594, 6.5971353)
Open: APR to SEP 1st and 3rd Sun 14-18.
Classification: SubterraneaWorld War II Bunker TopicWestwall
Light: LightIncandescent
Guided tours:  
Photography: strictly forbidden
Address: Westwallmuseum Mettlach, Jean-Marie Theobald, 66693 Mettlach, Tel: +49-6864-270-817. E-mail:
As far as we know this information was accurate when it was published (see years in brackets), but may have changed since then.
Please check rates and details directly with the companies in question if you need more recent info.


1938 im Pionier-Programm erbaut.


The Westwallmuseum Mettlach is located in a restored Westwall bunker, also known as Westwallbunker WH379, a standard construction B1/7(a) for 12 men. It has two MG embrasure positions and an observation cupola, 80 cm thick ceiling and 1 m thick walls.

This bunker is privately owned by Jean-Marie Theobald. It is advertised as "Westwall Museum" and there are opening hours. The visitors from the Deutschen Atlantikwall-Archiv (German Atlantic Wall Archive) were all the more astonished when they were strictly forbidden by the owner to take photographs, even from the public road. People are strange, but there is no copyright protection for an old military site, and if there were, the rights holder is of course not the owner of the building. Quite objectively, the good gentleman has not only missunjderstood the legal situation, he has also sabotaged his own intention of bringing the West Wall closer to interested people with a museum. And he has alienated like-minded people. Alternatively, it is conceivable that he has completely different intentions.

We recommend that the bunker should be filled in, then the problem is solved!

And we strongly recommend that visitors visit the nearby B-Werk Besseringen instead, which is much more interesting, competently run, and you are welcome to take photos.