Atombunker Garzau

Useful Information

Location: Near Garzau.
A10 exit Berlin-Hellersdorf, B1/B5 Richtung Müncheberg, Frankfurt/Oder. After Rüdersdorf turn left towards Hennickendorf, Rehfelde, Garzau. At the road between Garzau and Gladowshöhe.
Open: 1st Saturday of the month 10.
By appointment.
Fee: Adults EUR 12.50.
Classification: SubterraneaSecret Bunker
Light: LightIncandescent
Dimension: L=48,30 m, B=42,90 m, H=17 m, T=11 °C
Guided tours: D=90 min.
Photography: allowed
Address: Bunker Garzau, Gladowshöher Straße 3, 15345 Garzau-Garzin, Tel: +49-173-6192712. E-mail:
As far as we know this information was accurate when it was published (see years in brackets), but may have changed since then.
Please check rates and details directly with the companies in question if you need more recent info.


1972-75 bunker errected.
1976 handed over to the NVA.
1993 abandoned.
1999 data material of the MfS found in the bunker and decrypted.


The Atombunker Garzau (Secret Bunker Garzau) is one of the best preserved nuclear bunkers from the times of the Cold War. It is a computer centre of the NVA, the East German Army. The official designation was Organisations- und Rechenzentrum (ORZ), equipped with computer technology from the RGW program ESER (Einheitliches System elektronischer Rechentechnik - Uniform System of Electronic Computing Technology). Aboveground buildings contained the staff building, the kitchen and dining room and the guardhouse. The bunker itself is located 17 m below ground level.

The staff's operational information system was part of the so-called Führungskomplex 5000. The main command post of the Ministerium für nationale Verteidigung (MfNV, Ministry of National Defence) was located in nearby Harnekop. One of the main tasks of the ORZ was to compile daily reports on strength, stocks and incidents from all branches of the armed forces and make them available to the MfNV. In case of an emergency, the daily updated data from Garzau would have been read into an identical computer in the bunker in Harnekop.