
Baumann’s Cave

Useful Information

the cave entrance.
interesting profile.
Location: Blankenburger Straße 36, 38889 Oberharz am Brocken OT Rübeland.
14 km south of Wernigerode. From Wernigerode F244 to Elbingerode, turn left, F27 to Rübeland, in the village at the main road.
(51.754781, 10.843285)
Open: FEB to JUN daily 9-16:30.
JUL to AUG daily 9-17:30.
SEP to OCT daily 9-16:30.
NOV to JAN daily 9-15:30.
One of the caves closed for renovation every year during the winter months (NOV to APR).
End time is time of last tour.
Fee: Adults EUR 9.50, Children (4-14) EUR 6.50, Children (0-3) free.
Classification: SpeleologyKarst Cave partly marble, horizontal cave, Lower Devon
Light: LightLED
Dimension: L=1,950 m. A=378 m asl.
GR: L=64 m, B=55 m, H=9 m.
Guided tours: L=1,000 m, D=50 min, V=100,000/a [2005].
Photography: forbidden
Accessibility: many stairs, not wheelchair accessible
Bibliography: Rübeland im Harz, Baumannshöhle, Hermannshöhle. Hrsg: Verwaltung der Tropfsteinhöhlen. Deutsch - German
Manfred Oelsner: Stadtführer Wernigerode, VEB Tourist Verlag Berlin, Lepzig. Deutsch - German
Friedrich Christian Lesser (1735): Anmerckungen von der Baumanns-Höhle, wie er sie selbst Anno 1734, den 21. May befunden, Nordhausen, 1735. DOI pdf Deutsch - German
Address: Tourismusbetrieb Oberharz am Brocken, Blankenburger Straße 35, 38889 Oberharz am Brocken OT Rübeland, Tel: +49-39454-49132, Fax: +49-39454-53475. E-mail: contact
As far as we know this information was accurate when it was published (see years in brackets), but may have changed since then.
Please check rates and details directly with the companies in question if you need more recent info.


15th century discovered by a miner named Baumann.
1565 mentioned for the first time.
1646 organized guided tours.
1658 first cave map.
APR-1668 Hans Jürgen Becker becomes the first authorized cave guide of the world.
28-JUL-1692 two sisters-in-law, both Mrs. Meyer, are the first female cave visitors ever known by name.
1777 visited by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
1783 visited by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
1784 visited by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
1887 systematic research by the TU Braunschweig.
1889 systematic excavations.
1892 electric light.


a formation in the entrance area.

Baumannshöhle (Baumanns Cave) is named after a miner called Baumann. He is said to be the discoverer of the cave. In the 15th century he was digging in the area, when he cut into the cave. But this discovery brought no luck: legend has it that he got lost when he explored the cave, and he needed several days to find out. When he finally reached daylight, he told the people about the cave and then died of fatigue. The Harz mountains are an area of long history and many legends and myths. But the story of this discovery was invented during the Nazi era, and is today widely believed. Even the guides tell it until today.

Despite the untrue discovery legend, the cave was known for many centuries. Because it was discovered so early, and because of its size, it was very famous during the 17th and 18th century. A visit of this cave and a walk to the summit of the Brocken were a must for every Harz journey. This cave was visited by Heinrich Heine who wrote a description. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe visited the cave several times. To his honour, the biggest chamber was named Goethesaal.

This cave is a very old show cave, not the oldest, but it was the very first with an official tour guide. In April 1668, Hans Jürgen Becker was authorized by a document as first tour guide for this cave.

The Goethesaal is developed with seats and a stage, which allows underground plays. The stage is surrounded by stalagmites, so there are mostly fairy tales on the schedule. The room seats more than 1000 visitors. Some years ago regular performances were held by the Städtische Bühnen Quedlinburg. But at the moment there are no shows any more.

A typical thing for East German caves: all tours are photographed. On a stair in a bigger room, the group stops and a photographer takes a picture. Years ago the pictures were paid at the cave exit and then sent by mail a few days later, today the digital picture is printed on glossy paper and waits for the visitor at the exit.

Baumannshöhle Gallery