Besucherbergwerk Fundgrube Weißer Hirsch

Useful Information

Location: Schneeberg. Auf dem Betriebsgelände der Bergsicherung Schneeberg GmbH. Kobaltstraße 42, 08289 Schneeberg
Open: 1st Sat in JUL, 22-JUL, 2nd Sun in SEP, weekend of Second Advent Fri-Sun 9-15:30.
Fee: Adults EUR 8, Children (3-18) EUR 5.
Classification: MineSilver Mine MineCobalt Mine
Light: LightIncandescent
Guided tours:
Address: Sächsicher Bergbauverein "Weisser Hirsch Schneeberg" e.V., Kobaltsstraße 42, 08289 Schneeberg, Tel.: +49-3772-290, Fax: +49-3772-22494. E-mail: contact
As far as we know this information was accurate when it was published (see years in brackets), but may have changed since then.
Please check rates and details directly with the companies in question if you need more recent info.




Herzog Albrecht von Sachsen dining at the silver table. Lithograph by W. Ulrich after a drawing by Ludwig Richter.

The show mine Fundgrube Weißer Hirsch is located in the heart of the historic mining area Schneeberger Bergrevier. It is the type locale of at least 22 uranium, bismut and cobalt minerals. In total, 170 different minerals were found here.

The most important event with this mine was the discovery of a single block of silver in 1477, two meters long and one metre high. It was called the Silbertisch (table of silver). It became so famous, even Herzog Albrecht von Sachsen and his court entered the mine to see this extraordinary find. They sat at the table having a meal. The silver was coined into 80,000 Gewichtsmark, each containing 0.24kg pure silver, a total of 20 tons of silver.

But even more important was the discovery of the lode Walpurgis Flacher on the 16-MAR-1871. The lode consisted of weathered uraninite and pure bismuth. It was coloured in orange, yellow and deep green by secondary uranium minerals. The mineralogist A. Weisbach at the Bergakademie Freiberg (Mining University Freiberg) discovered five so far unknown secondary uranium minerals. The mine is type locale for those minerals.

The mine is developed only in a very low manner, it is secure and cleaned, but rubber boots, helme, headlamps and miner garment are necessary. The path is dirty and slippery, the ceiling often low and the tunnels narrow. The tour enters the mine in the entrance building called Huthaus, and descends with an elevator to the Tiefer Fürstenstolln, an level 50 m below. Here tunnels of the Middle Ages, different mining techniques and remains of the lodes with calourful minerals can be seen.