Kryt 10 - Z

Atomový kryt 10-Z

Useful Information

Location: Husova ulice (naproti č. 12), 602 00 Brno.
Ticket sale: Panenská 1, Brno.
(49.193985, 16.604402)
Open: All year Tue-Sun 11:30-18:45, last entry 18:15.
Night excursion with a guide: All year Tue-Sun 19, reservation mandatory.
Fee: Adults CZK 180, Children (0-15) CZK 70, Students (-26) CZK 120, Seniors CZK 120, Disabled CZK 120.
Night excursion with a guide: Adults CZK 280, Children (0-15) CZK 120, Students (-26) CZK 200, Seniors CZK 200, Disabled CZK 200.
Classification: SubterraneaWorld War II Bunkers SubterraneaSecret Bunker
Light: LightIncandescent
Dimension: T=14 °C
Guided tours: self guided.
Guided tours after appointment for small groups (3-9), D=60 min
Photography: allowed
Address: Kryt 10 - Z, Husova ulice (naproti č. 12), 602 00 Brno, Tel: +420-542-210-622. E-mail:
As far as we know this information was accurate when it was published (see years in brackets), but may have changed since then.
Please check rates and details directly with the companies in question if you need more recent info.


1944 air raid shelter constructed.
1946-1948 Home to wine store Löwy and Šmíd.
1948 confiscated by the communist regime.
1959 nuclear fallout shelter completed.
1993 bunker abandoned by the Czech army.
2016 opened to the public.


Atomový kryt 10-Z (10-Z Nuclear Fallout Shelter) is a formerly classified nuclear fallout shelter dating back to the communist era. It was built during the Cold War to city’s and region’s representatives. The first bunker at this location was built already during World War II as a German air raid shelter. The Luftschutzbunker (air raid shelter) protected the population of Brno during the American and Soviet bombardment of Brno. After the war, between 1946 and 1948, it was used by the successful wholesale wine store Löwy and Šmíd,

In February 1948 the communist party took over government of Czechoslovakia, and only two days later the former bunker was confiscated and the wine store closed. They started to construct a secret nuclear fallout shelter inside. Unknown even by the citizens above, a bunker which could house up to 500 important municipal and regional officials for three days was constructed. This is a little disturbing, as Czechoslovakia was under no actual threat of a nuclear attack. So it is unclear what the actual reasons for its construction were. Was it just a security measure, was it a general militarization by the Warsaw Pact, or was it a preparation for a planned war. Probably it was a final retreat for a government which actually suppressed any freedom of its own citizens.

The main exhibits are a diesel unit with generator for electricity, the filter room, and the telephone switch room. There is also a weird exhibition of cell doors from the Cejl prison in Brno. The doors are from the death cells with messages from those sentenced to death.

The has bunker many narrow parts, so visitors get a map with explanation for self-guided tours. They are available in Česky - Czech English and various other languages. Guided tours are offered only for small groups of three to nine people, and only after appointment. For the self-guided tour there are QR codes which link to videos, which can be downloaded with the free Wi-Fi inside the bunker.

The bunker is also a sort of underground hotel. It’s possible to sleep in 6 person mixed dormitories with military beds, or in budget single rooms. The decor is bunker-ish, mostly in olive green, and gas masks are provided. The guided bunker tours at 19 are free for guests, and this is also the cheapest overnight stay in the city. It also has the highest ranking on for its originality.