Pavilon Anthropos

Anthropos Pavilion

Useful Information

the pavillion from outside.
cave bears (Ursus spelaeus) in the entrance hall.
diorama stone age man producing flint weapons inside a cave entrance.
Location: Pisárecká 5, 602 00 Brno.
In the Pisarky Park, west of Staro Brno.
(49.1919879, 16.5672269)
Open: All year Tue 9-17, Wed 9-12, Thu-Fri 9-17, Sat, Sun 10-17.
Closed on 25-DEC, 01-JAN.
Fee: Adults CZK 120, Children (6-18) CZK 70, Children (0-5) free, Seniors CZK 70, Disabled CZK 70, BrnoCard Holders CZK 70, Students CZK 70, Family (2+2) CZK 250.
Including temporary exhibitions:
Adults CZK 240, Children (6-18) CZK 140, Children (0-5) free, Seniors CZK 140, Disabled CZK 140, BrnoCard Holders CZK 140, Students CZK 140, Family (2+2) CZK 520.
Classification: SubterraneaCave and Karst Museum SubterraneaCave Replica SubterraneaPainted Cave Replica
Light: LightIncandescent
Guided tours: self guided
Photography: allowed
Accessibility: yes
Address: The Anthropos Pavilion, Pisárecká 5, 602 00 Brno, Tel: +420-515-910-560. E-mail:
As far as we know this information was accurate when it was published (see years in brackets), but may have changed since then.
Please check rates and details directly with the companies in question if you need more recent info.


JUL-1817 founded by a decree of Emperor Franz I.
1928 exhibition of the name Anthropos created by Prof. Karel Absolon.
1962 Anthropos Pavilion built as new home for the exhibition.
2003 closed for renovation.
30-JUN-2006 reopened to the public.


Replica of a Mammoth with a child.
Most famous painting from Chauvet Cave, replica.

The Moravian Museum has an exhibition located in the Pisarky Park, west of the center of Brno, which is called Pavilon Anthropos. Lately renovated, it is an impressive exhibition of the development of man. Various connections with caves can be found, caves used as shelter, dioramas of our ancestors living in cave entrances, cave animals, discoveries from caves of the Czech Republic, and of course cave paintings. There are the skeletons of cave bears, hyenas, mammoth and much more. The museum has an enormous collection of cave painting replicas from all over the world.

The origin of this museum is an exhibition of the name Anthropos created by Prof. Karel Absolon in 1928. It was originally located in the main museum which is located in the center of the city. The exhibition was part of his project to establish an international institute researching the origins of man and his culture. In 1962, they built the pavilion and relocated this exhibition into the new building. Obviously, the building from the 1960s did not meet modern requirements and so it underwent a complex renovation. Reopened in 2006 it is now a modern museum with spectacular exhibits.

The permanent exhibition has two parts. The first is about findings and how they were created. Moravian Hunters and Gatherers concentrates on the archaeological remains of this part of the Czech Republic which provided numerous items. The oldest Art of Europe is the collection of replicas of cave painting, but also several sculptures made of bones, rocks, antlers and tusks. The palaeolithic technologies section shows how the tools and artworks were created. The second part concentrates on the evolution of man. Genetics in the Evolution of Man brings up-to-date discoveries concerning human evolution. The Story of Mankind shows the cultural development, while the section "Cousins or Brothers? - Ethology of Primates" concentrates on the behaviour of man's next relatives, the primates.

They have an informative website in multiple languages which is well worth a visit, because they offer 360° panoramas for a virtual tour.

Pavilon Anthropos Gallery