Stagebarn Crystal Cave

Stage Barn Crystal Cave

Useful Information

Location: Stagebarn Canyon. Near Piedmont. North of Rapid City. I-90 then I-90 west to Piedmont, Exit 48.
Open: cave closed. [2007]
Fee: cave closed. [2007]
Classification: SpeleologyKarst Cave Pahasapa Limestone, 350Ma.
Light: LightIncandescent
Dimension: L=8,433 m, VR=99 m.
Guided tours: D=60 min., L=800 m.
Bibliography: Carl Ulvog (1950): A Description of Stagebarn Cavern, Bachelor's thesis, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology: 40 p.
Carl Ulvog (1955): Stage Barn Crystal caverns: In the Black Hills of South Dakota, The Canyon Amusement Corporation: 31 p.
Jana Haas (2003): Stagebarn Crystal Cave, a Family Affair for 68 Years, Rapid City Journal, July 11, 2003: C1-2.
Rene Ohms (2003): Stagebarn Crystal Cave: Reconnaissance Mission, The Carbide Flash 28(2): 7.
Derek Schmitz (2003): Stagebarn Crystal Cave, The Carbide Flash 28(2): 11.
Address: Stage Barn Crystal Cave, 10829 Stagebarn Rd., Piedmont, SD 57769, Tel: +1-605-787-4505.
As far as we know this information was accurate when it was published (see years in brackets), but may have changed since then.
Please check rates and details directly with the companies in question if you need more recent info.


1935 opened to the public.
2007 cave closed.


Stagebarn Crystal Cave is said to be Black Hills' largest private cave system, whatever kind of superlative this is. The cave is located in Stagebarn Canyon and both were named after a stagecoach barn. It served a local transportation route here, in Dakota's early days. The canyon is also called Botany Canyon by the locals, for its wealth of flora and fauna. Native Americans have long revered the canyon and gathered herbs for medicinal and spiritual uses here.

The cave entrance is located below limestone cliffs, and it is a steep walk to the entrance with great views. The cave tour is more or less level, and not very difficult. Two different levels of the three level cave are visited. The tour shows exquisite calcite crystals, like most of the caves in the area, but Stage Barn's are reputed to be exceptional in color. Other fine speleothems are helectites and boxwork. There is also a display of minerals under ultra violet light.

Unfortunately the cave is closed now. There is road work on the road to the cave. At the moment it is unclear, if and when the cave will be reopened.