KGB Atominis Bunkeris

Useful Information

Location: Raudondvario pl. 164A, Kaunas 47173.
(54.913880, 23.842073)
Open: after appointment.
Fee: after appointment.
Classification: SubterraneaSecret Bunker
Light: LightIncandescent
Guided tours:
Address: KGB Atominis Bunkeris, Raudondvario pl. 164A, Kaunas 47173, Lithuania, Tel: +8-677-57736, Cell: +370-618-15919. E-mail:
As far as we know this information was accurate when it was published (see years in brackets), but may have changed since then.
Please check rates and details directly with the companies in question if you need more recent info.



KGB Atominis Bunkeris is a museum inside an Cold War bunker of the Russian army. The bunker itself in 6 m underground and was renovated some years ago. It contains a vast collection of related items It has the largest exhibition of gas masks for adults, for children, and even for horses. They are completed by closed-circuit breathing apparatuses and diving equipment. There is a collection of radiation meters, civil protection devices, air horns, and mobile chemical laboratories. The civil defence exhibition includes medical devices and instruments, electric generators, air compressors, and portable floodlights. Aviation related security equipment includes aircraft black boxes, life-saving equipment, navigation devices and measuring devices. The exhibition of radio communications, telephones, telephone switches, bearing finders, telegraph, antennas, headphones, military recorders, Morse code keys from the era of the two world wars is the largest in the Baltic countries.

The KGB part of the name is a result of a special exhibition inside the bunker, a unique private collection, probably the only one of its kind. The exhibition called KGB Spy Museum has more than 1,200 unusual functioning exhibits. This unique collection features secret surveillance equipment and devices, used by the NKVD, the KGB and special divisions of the military. The KGB always possessed the latest and the most innovative technology and professionally trained specialists in their field, officers, and agents. Obsolete surveillance technique was either destroyed or transferred to the military. The museum contains many clandestine and portable radio communication devices, radio transmitters and receivers, communications jammers, bearing finders, remote eavesdropping equipment, and eavesdropping bugs. Also equipment for intrusions and secret surveillance, KGB phones and phone eavesdropping, and coding equipment. And there are detection devices like a unique secret metal detector for detecting eavesdropping equipment. Even weirder are isotopically marked documents, money, people, and animals. The KGB not only persecuted the common people, but also mistrusted their own colleagues and spied on them. There are also night vision devices, secret dictaphones and recorders, covert mini cameras, and masked undercover video recorders. Photographic and filming equipment was used for copying documents. The museum also has a UV and IR device for detection of micro objects.