Splidfrik Cave

Useful Information

Location: Across the Czelm park, eastern
Open: No restrictions, pleas avoid full moon.
Fee: free, probably.
Classification: SpeleologyKarst Cave. SmileFictitious Cave
Light: bring torch
Dimension: unknown
Guided tours:
Bibliography: Santo Cilauro, Tom Gleisner, Rob Sitch (): Molvania: A Land Untouched by Modern Dentistry, jetlag travel guides, Atlantic Books, New edition edition (1 April 2004), 296 pages, ISBN-10: 1843542323, ISBN-13: 978-1843542322
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As far as we know this information was accurate when it was published (see years in brackets), but may have changed since then.
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According to legends the Splidfrik Pejstr (Splidfrik Cave) is home to the gruel dragon Splidfrik. According to legend the dragon leaves the cave only on full moon, creeps through villages until he find a child of either gender. He drags the unfortunate child into his cave and roasts it alive. This nice little story is told Molvanîan children for centuries now and is generally considered to be responsible for the great amount of bed-wetting children and people with chronically disturbed sleep.

The Molvanîan touriszm buro published a leavlet which claims the visit to the cave to be pretty safe, except for full moon nights. However, there is actually no map of the cave as all cavers, local and abroad, who tried to survey the cave so far, have vanished. We recommend to stay close to the entrance. So far this is the best developed tourist cave in Molvanîa, as there is actually a trail to the entrace, a cardboard sign, and even a small plate commemorating the missing visitors.