Gruta del Espiritu Santo

Cuevas de Corinto - Corinto Cave - Cave of the Holy Spirit

Useful Information

Location: Corinto, Morazan district.
1 km north of the village of Corinto.
(13.8212676, -87.9651331)
Open: All year daily.
Fee: free.
Classification: SpeleologyKarst Cave
Light: n/a
Dimension: L=60 m, W=20 m, H=30 m.
Guided tours: There is a guide on site provided by Concultura.
Photography: allowed
Accessibility: no
Bibliography: Ramón D. Rivas (2011): Investigaciones recientes en la ‘Gruta del Espíritu Santo’ en Corinto, Morazán, La Universidad, No. 14-15 (2011): April-June, 2011, 363ff. online pdf
Address: Cueva del Espíritu Santo, Corinto 3204, Tel: +503-7905-2777.
As far as we know this information was accurate when it was published (see years in brackets), but may have changed since then.
Please check rates and details directly with the companies in question if you need more recent info.


1889 the historian Santiago Barberena visits the site and described the cave paintings, first written mention.
1972 registered as a national monument.
1972 excavations by the archaeologist Wolfgang Haberland.
2002 Dr. Roberto Ticas told the Bradshaw Foundation about the rock art.
2011 project Research, Mapping and Conservation of the Cave of the Holy Spirit Rock Art Site, financed with the Fund of the Ambassador of the United States of America.
2012 site receives Blue Shield, the emblem established in the 1954 Hague Convention for the protection of cultural property in the event of armed conflict.


Gruta del Espíritu Santo (Holy Spirit Grotto) is an archaeological site of great importance. It is important because of its geographical position in Middle America, which allows greater understanding of migration patterns.

The cave walls show about 200 Prehistoric drawings about 10,000 years old, depicting human figures, snakes, birds, crabs and the common negative hands. The figures are usually 30 cm in height, but some are up to 100 cm. The symbols vary from 4 cm to 50 cm in height. Different galleries within the cave show different style and colour.