Gruta del Drago

Cave of the Dragon Tree

Useful Information

Location: Laguna Bocatorito, Isla de Cristóbal, Boca del Toro Archipelago. The Boca del Toro Archipelago is located in Western Panama, in the Caribbean Sea. The cave is 15 minutes from the town of Boca del Toro. It is situated on the north side of the island and can be reached by boat or on foot.
Open: no restrictions.
Fee: free.
Classification: SpeleologyKarst Cave
Light: bring torch
Guided tours:
As far as we know this information was accurate when it was published (see years in brackets), but may have changed since then.
Please check rates and details directly with the companies in question if you need more recent info.



The Gruta del Drago or Cave of the Dragon Tree is one of many shallow, limestone caves at sea level in the Chiriqui Bay area. All the caves are noted for their speleothems and in some cases, ankle deep bat guano. Gruta del Drago is a well known habitat of three species of bat, one of which is the "long beak white bat". Local operators offer tours of the Island, including the cave for US $ 10 plus US $ 5 for lunch on the beach. An evening visit is very popular when large numbers of bats fly out at dusk. It is possible to walk to the cave, check with locals for directions and advice on safety. Bring a torch.

Text by Tony Oldham (2004). With kind permission.