
Gossigul - Gossi Cave - Gossidong Gul - Kossidonggul

Useful Information

Location: 산262-1 Jinbyeol-ri, Gimsatgat-myeon, Yeongwol-gun, Gangwon-do.
(37.12956777498945, 128.532931677898)
Open: All year daily 9-18, last admission 17. [2005]
Fee: Adults won 3,000, Children (13-23) won 2,200, Children (7-12) Won 1,200.
Groups (30+): Adults Won 2,400, Children (13-23) won 1,900, Children (7-12) Won 1,200. [2005]
Classification: SpeleologyKarst Cave
Light: LightIncandescent
Dimension: L=6,000 m, A=215 m asl.
Guided tours:  
Address: Gossi Cave, 산262-1 Jinbyeol-ri, Gimsatgat-myeon, Yeongwol-gun, Gangwon-do, Tel: +82-33-372-6871.
Gangwon Paleozoic Geopark, Geopark Management Office 21, Bongyang 3-gil, Jeongseon-eup, Jeongseon-gun, Gangwon-do, 26131, Tel: +82-33-560-2379, Fax: +82-33-560-2593. E-mail:
As far as we know this information was accurate when it was published (see years in brackets), but may have changed since then.
Please check rates and details directly with the companies in question if you need more recent info.


04-JUN-1969 designated as Natural Monument No. 219.
15-MAY-1974 opened to the public.


고씨동굴 (Gossidong-gul, Gossi Cave) was named after the Go family, who took refuge here. They were fighting against Japanese invaders during the Japanese occupation of Korea. The cave was their secret hideout. The places were they made fire are shown on the tour.

The name seems to be a real drama, as there are uncountable versions around. Today it seems the short form 고씨굴 (Gossigul, Gossi Cave) is used. The longer version 고씨동굴 contains dong and gul, where dong is the Chinese word for cave and gul the Korean. So this name actually would translate Gossi Cave Cave, which is obviously an unintended Smiletautology.

Inside the cave, there are stalactites, stalagmites, four lakes, three falls, six plazas (open spaces) that have been formed over the past 400 million years. In addition, there are about twenty-four microorganisms that inhabit the cave.

The cave descriptions in Asia are quite annoying, and this cave is not much better. To interpret above gobbledygook: the cave formed inside 400 Million years old limestones. It has numerous exceptional speleothems and the lowest level with its cave river has numerous waterfalls and cave lakes. On the tour you will see six chambers. The cave has numerous troglobiont inhabitants, 24 species are known so far.

The cave is part of the 강원고생대 국가지질공원 (gang-wongosaengdae guggajijilgong-won, Gangwon Paleozoic National Geopark).