La Fornace di Barbablù

Useful Information

Location: Via Lazio 11a, Vado Ligure frazione S.Ermete, 17047 Savona.
Motorway E80 exit Savona, Str. di Scorrimento Veloce towards city center for 2.3 km to roundabout. Take exit towards Vado Ligure, turn right on Via Giovanni Ciocchi, then Via Piave, then Pertinace for 2.2 km. Turn left on Via Lazio, after 100 m on the left side.
(44.256247, 8.405548)
Open: All year daily.
Fee: n/a.
Classification: MineLimestone Mine
Light: LightIncandescent
Guided tours: self guided
Photography: allowed
Accessibility: no
Address: La Fornace di Barbablù, Via Lazio 11a, Vado Ligure frazione S.Ermete, 17047 Savona, Tel: +39-019-888535, Fax: +39-0, E-mail: contact
As far as we know this information was accurate when it was published (see years in brackets), but may have changed since then.
Please check rates and details directly with the companies in question if you need more recent info.



La Fornace di Barbablù (Furnace of Bluebeard) is a restaurant located inside an old lime kiln dating back to Roman times. The local rock is limestone which was quarried by the Romans and transported to Rome on the Tiber river. The limestone from this area was used in many famous Roman buildings, e.g. the Colosseum. The restaurant is located underground with arched ceilings and red brick and stone walls. It has three floors with the vaults and furnace at the lowest floor. The uppermost floor offers a small terrace, suitable for about 25 guests. The whole restaurant is rather small and reservation is recommended. The menu includes local specialties, organic food, and sea food.

It seems the restaurant was renamed Carlo in Fornace a few years ago, but it exists unchanged. We do not know if email and phone number are still the same, but they do not have a website.