Sa Oche 'e Su Bentu

Useful Information

Location: Str. per Valle di Lanaittu, 08025 Oliena NU.
From Dorgali SS125, left on SP38, left on SP46. From Oliena SP46. Turn off from SP46 signposted "Sorgenti Su Gologone". Right before the parking lot turn right and follow the single lane gravel road 7 km to the end.
(40.256867, 9.485504)
Open: No restrictions.
Fee: free.
Classification: KarstKarst Spring
Light: bring torch
Dimension: A=150 m asl.
Guided tours: self guided
Photography: allowed
Accessibility: no
Address: Sa Oche 'e Su Bentu, Str. per Valle di Lanaittu, 08025 Oliena NU.
As far as we know this information was accurate when it was published (see years in brackets), but may have changed since then.
Please check rates and details directly with the companies in question if you need more recent info.



Sa Oche 'e Su Bentu (the voice of the wind) is a spring located in the Lanaittu Valley, in the middle of the Supramonte di Oliena near the Rifugio Sa Oche mountain lodge. The resurgence is located at the foot of a vertical cliff, it is the opening of a cave with a river flowing out. This is a blowhole, which means that the huge cave system has convection and the cold wind blows so strongly on the water that it howls or produces booming sounds. For obvious reasons it is possible to visit the spring, but the cave behind is quite difficult and only accessible for cavers. Depending on the water flow it may be possible to walk into the cave for a short distance though.

This place has numerous important sights, there is also Grotta Corbeddu (Corbeddu Cave) nearby, which is used for cave trekking tours. The cave is known for 30,000-year-old deer bones, prehistoric remains 13,500 BP, and for being the hideout of a legendary outlaw. It was named after this outlaw, Giovanni Corbeddu Salis. It’s possible to visit a short entrance section. To the north is the Nuraghe city Sa Sedda ’e Sos Carros. At the lodge, a guided tour to the Grotta di Sa Oche and the Nuraghe ruins is offered.

The lodge is also the starting point for the Nuraghe city Tiscali, which was the last stronghold of the Nuraghe people when the island was conquered by the Romans. It is accessible by a public road, a single lane gravel road, which is in good shape. There is a huge car park, but on weekends in August it will nevertheless be crowded. We recommend avoiding the main tourist streams.