Fort Hommet Gun Casemate

Useful Information

Location: Fort Hommet, GY5, Guernsey.
(49.473462, -2.609240)
Open: APR to OCT Sat 14-16:30.
Fee: Adults GBP 2.50, Children (7-18) GBP 1, Children (0-6) free.
Classification: SubterraneaWorld War II Bunker TopicAtlantikwall
Light: LightIncandescent
Guided tours: self guided
Photography: allowed
Accessibility: no
Address: Fort Hommet Gun Casemate, GY5, Guernsey, Tel: +44-1481-238205.
As far as we know this information was accurate when it was published (see years in brackets), but may have changed since then.
Please check rates and details directly with the companies in question if you need more recent info.


1943 constructed.
06-MAY-1995 opened to the public.


The Fort Hommet Gun Casemate is a German bunker, one of 21 bunkers built in Guernsey. At Fort Hommet four of them were built, and this one is fully restored and open to the public. It was the location of a 10.5 cm coastal defense gun. The small museum inside gives an idea of the daily life of the soldiers in the bunker, and the typical weapons of the time.

Fort Hommet is located on the Vazon Bay Headland, a peninsula protruding northwest from the small village Vazon. The peninsula is a nature reserve, and freely accessible, a popular walking spot, and a good site for spotting birds. All the historic buildings can be visited without restriction, but only from the outside. However, there seem to be special occasions, when some other bunkers can also be visited. They are so rare, we guess they are only