Fun Fun Cave

Cueva Fún-Fún - Devil's Cave

Useful Information

Location: Los Gaiitises Nature Reserve. Capote, 24 km from Hato Mayor del Rey.
(18.788796, -69.419750)
Classification: SpeleologyKarst Cave
Light: provided
Dimension: L=7,000 m.
Guided tours: L=2,000m
Photography: allowed
Accessibility: no
Address: cueva fun fun, Calle Duarte #12, Hato Mayor del Rey 25000, Tel: +1-809-299-0457. E-mail:
As far as we know this information was accurate when it was published (see years in brackets), but may have changed since then.
Please check rates and details directly with the companies in question if you need more recent info.



Cueva Fún-Fún (Fun Fun Cave) is a rough experience and definitely not a show cave tour. It starts with getting to the cave which requires the crossing of the river on horseback. After a 2 km hike through the rain forest and descent down slippery slopes the entrance is reached. Now a descent into the cave waits, an 18 m abseil through a wide shaft, and finally the cave itself has a cave river and is rather wet. It requires stooping and crawling through mud. The cave has, like many tropical caves, a variate range of troglobionts, mostly insects, but also spiders. In other words, participants should be sportive, rather fit, willing to do climbing and not scared of darkness, caves, height, or bugs. If you are such a person this trip is probably the highlight of your holidays.

Fun-Fun is a bat cave, and the name is the sound that comes from the flapping of the wings of bats in flight. The cave was known to the native Indians who left traces on the walls in form of paintings. They also left wooden idols in the passages.

The cave is located on the private ground of the Rancho Capote. The cave excursion is a full day trip and includes a rich breakfast and lunch at the ranch. The Rancho Capote is the largest orange plantations in the Dominican Republic, delicious freshly squeezed orange juice is a must. The actual cave tour takes 3 h. The necessary gear, which is actually a full set of caving equipment, is provided by the operator. There are lockers for your clothes. After the tour it is possible to shower at the ranch and change back into dry clothes. Bring swim suit, clothes to change and a towel. For the trail insect repellent, sun protection, a hat, and enough water is mandatory.

According to their website the cave system has a total length of 28 km, the river passage of Almirante River is 7 km of this system. As far as we know, this data is wrong, at least it was never published officially. The official long cave list does not list the cave at all.