
Xianqidong - Xing Xi Dong - Xianqi Cave - Beijing Immortal Dwelling Cave

Useful Information

Location: Shidu Scenic Spot (10 Ferries), southwest part of Fangshan District. About 60 km from Beijing.
(39.657811, 115.746630)
Open: NOV to MAR daily 8:30-16:30.
APR to OCT daily 8-18.
Fee: Adults CNY 60, Children (6-17) CNY 35, Children (<1.2 m) free, Seniors CNY 35.
Classification: SpeleologyKarst Cave ArchaeologyXianren Dong TopicImmortals
Light: LightIncandescent LightColoured Light
Dimension: L=1,958 m, VR=72 m, T=18 °C.
Guided tours: D=1 h, Lwater=450 m.
Address: Xianqidong, Dongguanshang Village, Shangfang Town of Fangshan District, Beijing 102409, Tel: +86-10-6133-8228, Tel: +86-10-6133-6228, Tel: +86-10-6133-6292. E-mail:
As far as we know this information was accurate when it was published (see years in brackets), but may have changed since then.
Please check rates and details directly with the companies in question if you need more recent info.


1998 cave discovered.
1998 Xianqidong scenic spot created.
AUG-1999 Xianqi Cave opened as a show cave.
2000 rated as a national 2A-level scenic spot.
2001 rated a capital civilization tourist attraction.
2002 explored during the French Gremlin’s 2002 expedition.
2008 rated as a national 3A scenic spot and a municipal-level folk tourism village.
01-APR-2021 Beijing Xianqi Cave Scenic Spot officially opened to the public.


仙栖洞 (Xianqidong, Cave Where The Immortals Live) is a cave system with more than 4 km of passages and three different levels. The cave was opened by locals, who were very enthusiastic, but they were not able to decide on a certain name. The possible names were 石花宫 (Shíhuā gōng, Stone Flower Palace), 深逐洞 (shēn zhú dòng, Abyss), 苍穹洞 (cāngqióng dòng, Sky Cave), or 一洞天 (yī dòngtiān, A Cave in the Sky). One day a monk visited the cave and was very enthusiastic, and he dubbed the cave the place where the immortals live, and so it was named 仙栖洞, Xianqui Dong, the cave where the immortals live. Due to mysterious translation errors the official translation is Fairy Dwelling Cave though. It seems immortals are mystic beings which are translated as fairies.

The cave has three levels, the lowest is active, with a cave river. A section of 500 m of the cave tour is by boat, the boats are pulled by "ferrymen".