Gruta da Lapa Grande

Useful Information

Location: Parque Estadual da Lapa Grande, near Montes Claros. Use "Rua Manoel de Souza Brasil" for navigator, it is at the end of the road. From Vila Atlântida neighborhood to the west.
(-16.707117, -43.940922)
Open: All year Tue-Fri with reservation, Sat, Sun 8-17, last entry 16.
Gruta da Lapa Grande: continuous.
Boqueirão da Nascente: 9:30, 10:30, 11:30, 13:30, 14:30, 15:30.
Lapa Pintada: 9:30.
Ponte de Pedra: 13:20.
Fee: Adults BRL 5, Children (0-5) free, Seniors (60+) free, Students BRL 2.50.
Classification: SpeleologyKarst Cave
Light: LightIncandescent
Dimension: L=2,200m
Guided tours: Gruta da Lapa Grande: self guided, L=430 m, D=45 min.
Boqueirão da Nascente: guided, L=1180 m, D=90 min.
Lapa Pintada: L=3,650 m, D=2 h.
Ponte de Pedra: guided, L=5,020 m, D=3 h.
Photography: allowed
Accessibility: no
Address: Gruta da Lapa Grande, Lapa Grande State Park, Estrada do Alfeirão, s/n, Montes Claros, Tel: +55-38-2101-6850. E-mail:
As far as we know this information was accurate when it was published (see years in brackets), but may have changed since then.
Please check rates and details directly with the companies in question if you need more recent info.


10-JAN-2006 Instituto Estadual de Floresta (IEF) founded.


The Gruta da Lapa Grande is quite big and has been visited by many famous travellers. It has been developed with trails, mostly with an elevated trail made of wood. The cave has river passages, but also parts with diverse speleothems, including stalactite, stalagmites, rimstone pools and bulbous calcites. Its not possible to leave the trail and the tour is self guided.

The Boqueirão da Nascente (Rising Anchovis?) trail along the Lapa Grande River leads to a cave which is the resurgence of the river. The trail is 1.2 km long and takes 90 minutes, there are five tours per day with a maximum number of 15 people. Another trail is the Ponte de Pedra (Stone Bridge) trail, which ends at a natural bridge, which actually is a bridge. One of the dirt roads of the park crosses the river on this natural bridge. And there is the Lapa Pintada trail which shows prehistoric paintings.

The park has a visitor limit of 200 people per day, but this limit is rarely reached. There is an entrance fee for the park, but all the tours are free. The cave tour is self guided and you can walk on your own. All other trails are offered at certain times, and there are limits to the size of the group. When you arrive at the park, check in at the Visitor Center first. You get an introduction to the rules of conduct and safety, must sign a waiver and are checked if your equipment is sufficient. Required are closed walking shoes, appropriate clothes, rain protection, sun protection, insect repellent, and a backpack with water and some food. There is no possibility to dine or buy food at the park. And it is not allowed to bath in the river, which is quite a problem for some visitors on hot days.

The park has a total of 58 caves, Gruta da Lapa Grande is the longest.