Бонинска Пещера

Boninska Peshtera

Useful Information

Location: Near Krushuna.
From Pleven 35 south 30 km to Lowetsch, turn left on 301 to Alexandrovo, turn right, through the village to Krushuna.
(43.2400000, 25.0466667)
Open: only with reservation.
Fee: only with reservation.
Classification: SpeleologyKarst Cave SpeleologyRiver Cave Lower Cretaceous limestones of Aptian age
Light: helmet with headlamp provided
Dimension: L=4,530 m, A=254 m asl.
Guided tours:
Photography: allowed
Accessibility: no
Address: Association "Devetaki plateau", Bulgaria Blvd. 19, Letnitsa 5570, Tel: +359-888-397432. E-mail:
As far as we know this information was accurate when it was published (see years in brackets), but may have changed since then.
Please check rates and details directly with the companies in question if you need more recent info.


1990 cave explored and surveyed to a length of 4,530 m.


Бонинска Пещера (Boninska Peshtera, Bonin Cave) was once the 8th longest cave in Bulgaria, however, this ranking changes frequently. The cave has two levels, the lower level is a river cave. The Association "Devetaki plateau" offers boat tour into the cave, which are actually quite strenuous cave trekking tours. However, it seems the guides use neoprene suits and swim while the participants take the boat. Nevertheless, the tour requires physical fitness and is strenuous. Equipment and caving gear are provided. The tours are offered only for groups after reservation, and as far as we know were discontinued during the pandemic. When making the reservation you will be given a meeting point. The guides will bring you to the cave which is difficult to find as there is no trail to the cave.