Hrustovačka pećina

Useful Information

Location: Hrustovo 79265.
From Sanski Most M15 13 km south, turn right on R410 2.2 km to Hrustovo, turn right in Kukavice.
(44.6726663, 16.7006463)
Open: no restrictions.
Fee: free.
Classification: SpeleologyKarst Cave
Light: bring torch
Guided tours: self guided
Photography: allowed
Accessibility: no
Bibliography: Jasminko Mulaomerović (2001):
Speleološka istraživanja nekoliko potencijalnih turističkih pećina u okolini Sanskog Mosta,
Sarajevo: Speleološko društvo "Bosanskohercegovački krš", Nas Krs XX-XXI, 2000,2001, 33-34, pp 155–160. Bosanski - Bosnian pdf
Address: Hrustovačka pećina, Hrustovo 79265.
As far as we know this information was accurate when it was published (see years in brackets), but may have changed since then.
Please check rates and details directly with the companies in question if you need more recent info.


2014 declared a national monument of Bosnia and Herzegovina.


Hrustovačka pećina/Хрустовачка пећина (Cave of Hrustovo, Khrustovac cave) is named after the nearby village Hrustovo. The entrance area is a prehistoric shelter and an important archaeological site, it was inhabited during the Neolithic or Copper Age. Archaeological research was carried out at the beginning of the twentieth century. Excavated remains are on display in the National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Sarajevo. There were eight large prehistoric hearths, they were fireplaces as there were the remains of animal bones. Also, ceramics including bellied amphorae, bi-conical bowls, vases on a hollow leg with a hole, and cups on a cross-leg were found. They were decorated by stamping, carving, incising, indentation, and grooved indentation. The decorations show triangles, hexagons and zigzag bands. Most findings belong to the Vučedol culture, which is called Hrustovački type in the country. The site was declared a National Monument.

During the excavations, bones of cave bears (Ursus spelaeus) were also discovered. But the findings were never systematically researched or published. The cave is rich in cave fauna, like the cave spider Nesticus arenstorffi, also four species of bats visit the cave.

The cave has been used as a shelter since prehistoric times. During the numerous wars on the Balkan the cave was also a hideout for the people from the nearby hamlets. Legend has it that during the First World War, two farmers fled from their enemies into the cave and made their way to a second, still unknown exit near the town of Jajce. This is about 55 km from the cave entrance as the crow flies, so this is a SmileFar Connection Legend. During the Second World War, Yugoslav partisans used the cave as a hideout. Also, during the Bosnian War in the 1990s men from Hrustovo hid from their persecutors in the cave. The fact that the Hrustovacka Cave was used as a retreat and hiding place for valuables during numerous wars explains the numerous finds of valuables and weapons in the cave.

This cave was presented in tourist guides since the beginning of the 20th century, in other words, it is not a show cave, but definitely a tourist cave. On the other hand, such popularity always causes destruction by visitors entering the cave without supervision by a guide. It is considered the first cave in Bosnia and Herzegovina that was presented in tourist guides.

The cave is gated by an iron bar gate, but as far as we know it is open, though we guess it is closed during winter for bat protection. The cave is horizontal, there is no climbing or any other difficulty, and actually there is only a single passage. If you visit, prepare well and follow the normal safety rules: do not cave alone, tell someone where you are and when to expect you back, Good shoes and several lamps are required, we recommend helmet with headlamp. The cave ends at a small cave lake after about 500 m, visitors have to return the same way.

The area around the cave entrance is owned by Smajo Ćerimović, who is more than 95 years old. He is very proud of his cave and is happy when visitors come to see the cave. There are regularly discussions about the development as a show cave, but so far there were no attempts. But now and then the cave is used for underground concerts. The cave was part of the television show Joko versus Klaas – The Duel Around the World, a German TV game show, a few years ago. Klaas was supposed to find one of the lakes and fill a bottle with water there, but he didn't find it.

The karst in Triassic and Cretaceous limestones has numerous karst features like caves and karst springs. Right below the cave entrance is the karst spring of the Glibaje river. This is considered the lower, water-filled, active level of the same cave system. The lowering of the drainage made the valley in front of Hrustovačka pećina a dry valley. At the spring is a nice picnic area.