Schau- und Lehrstollen Arzberg

Arzberg Display Mine and Local Heritage Museum

Useful Information

Location: At Arzberg.
E93 exit Frohnleiten, B64 east, through Schrems and Tullwitz, turn right to Arzberg at Hart.
Open: 15-APR to JUN Sat, Sun, Hol, 11, 14, 16.
JUL to 15-SEP Mon, Fri-Sun, Hol 11, 14, 16.
16-SEP to OCT Sat, Sun, Hol, 11, 14, 16.
NOV to 14-APR after appointment.
Fee: Adults EUR 6.50, School Pupils EUR 4, Students EUR 4, Seniors EUR 5.50, Gästekarte EUR 5.50, Family (2+*) EUR 17, Family (2+*) with Familienpass or Gästepass EUR 15.50.
Groups (10+) : Adults EUR 5.50, School Pupils EUR 3.
Classification: MineLead Mine MineZinc Mine MineSilver Mine
Light: LightIncandescent
Guided tours: L=500 m.
Address: Schau- und Lehrstollen Arzberg, Gemeindeamt Arzberg, Nr 3, 8162 Arzberg, Tel: +43-3179-27450-0, Fax: +43-3179-27450-4. E-mail: contact
Schaubergwerk Arzberg: +43-664-9639640
As far as we know this information was accurate when it was published (see years in brackets), but may have changed since then.
Please check rates and details directly with the companies in question if you need more recent info.


1424 the law Rechberger Bergordnung created.
16th century recession of mining in the Alps.
1708 mining revived by David Prevenhuber from Eisenerz, Andreas Rosenberger from Graz and Erco from Meiselding in Kärnten.
mid 18th century mining heyday.
late 18th century mining ends.
1902 mining revived by Charles Wesel from Graz und Max Asiel from Wien.
1903 mine at Haufenreith bought by the Societé des Zincs et Plombs Argentifers de Styrie.
1909 Societé des Mines d' Haufenreith founded.
1915 under military adminisration, because of the war.
1918 bought by the Montana Bergbau Industrie Ges.m.b.H.
1924 new owner Haufenreither Blei- und Zinkerz Bergbau AG in Wien.
1927 mining finally ends.
1973 new explorations.
1975 various tests without result.
1995 opened as a show mine.


The ore is typically baryte with quarts, which contains veins of galena (PbS).


The mine at Arzberg is the only silver mine in Styria which is open to the public. The 500 m long tour through the historic mine features the work and the tools of the miners and the characteristic ore bodies. The mine visit is completed by a mining trail and a rock garden with many geologic exhibits. The Local Heritage Museum concentrates on ethnic exhibits, local heritage, and the typical tools of the local culture of grazing cattle on high altitude meadows called Alp.

The mine visit starts at the church, beneath the former Josefi Schacht. After a short walk along the river Raab, the Raab Stollen is reached. The socalled new Raabstollen was started 1911, which was done to modernize the mining activities. The Neuer Raabschacht was built between 1912 and 1916 and is 34 m deep and goes up 30 m. The Arbergschacht connects various old and new parts of the mine and was primarly intended for fresh air supply.

The mine contains a seismic station of the Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik (ZAMG). This is one of the best seismometers on earth, and it is located here, because there are no roads or heavy machinery around. The sensors are connected with an computer which has data connection to the institue.

The mine is left through an Erbstollen (adit) which was built get rid of the water. This is one of the oldest tunnels in the area. From the end of the tunnel there is a short walk back to the ticket office.