Hidden Worlds Cenotes

Useful Information

Location: At Dos Ojos caverns, Tulum. On the Riviera Maya mainland.
Open: All year daily 9-17.
Fee: Ultimate Cavern & Canopy Adventure Package: Adults USD 89.95, Children (-12) USD 59.95.
Skycycle Jungle Canopy & Snorkel Adventure: Adults USD 75, Children (-12) USD 50.
Cenote Snorkel Discovery: Adults USD 49.95, Children (-12) USD 34.95.
Bat Cave - Dos Ojos 1 Tank Cavern Dive: Adults USD 50.
Bat Cave - Dos Ojos 2 Tank Cavern Dive: Adults USD 90.
Online Booking:
Ultimate Cavern & Canopy Adventure Package: Adults USD 59.95, Children (-12) USD 29.95.
Skycycle Jungle Canopy & Snorkel Adventure: Adults USD 49.95, Children (-12) USD 24.95.
Cenote Snorkel Discovery: Adults USD 38, Children (-12) USD 25.
Classification: KarstCenote
Light: no
Dimension: T=24 °C (water).
Address: Hidden Worlds Cenotes, Tel: +52-877-8535, Fax: +52-987-54059, E-mail: contact
As far as we know this information was accurate when it was published (see years in brackets), but may have changed since then.
Please check rates and details directly with the companies in question if you need more recent info.


1990s first guided cave dives.
SEP-2003 Dreamgate Cenote opened to the public.


Hidden Worlds Cenote Park is a cave diving center located at Hidden Worlds Cenotes Dos Ojos (Two Eyes) and the underwater cave Caverna de Murcielagos (Bat Cave). The latest trip is Dreamgate Cenote. The visitors can do scuba diving in the crystal clear water, probably the most harmless and most aesthetic possibility to do cave diving on earth. Less adventurous visitor can do snorkeling trips into the underground rivers of Tak Be Ha, Tak Bi Luum and Hilario’s Well. The owner is Buddy Quattlebaum, a pioneer of cave diving in Yucatan.