Baradla Barlang

Baradla Cave

Useful Information

Tropfsteinhöhle von Aggtelek in den Karpathen. Engraving from 1899.
Stalaktiten in der Tropfsteinhöhle von Aggtelék in Ungarn. Stalactites in the dripstone cave of Aggtelék in Hungary. Mayers Konversations-Lexikon, 6. Aufl., 1905.
Location: At the border to the Slovak Republic, NE part of Hungary. In the Aggtelek National Park, between Aggtelek and Jósvafõ. The cave system has three entrances: near Jósvafõ, near Aggtelek and between the two towns near Vörös-tó (Red Lake). Best access from Budapest: Budapest-Eger-Kazincbarcika-Aggtelek (220 km)
Open: APR-SEP daily 8-17.
OCT Mon-Fri, Sun 8-17, Sat 8-15.
NOV-MAR daily 8-15.
Long tour only on written applications.
Fee: Jósvafõ tour: Adults 900 HUF
Vörös-tó tour: Adults 1,400 HUF
Aggtelek, short tour: Adults 1,200 HUF
Aggtelek, long tour: Adults 4,500 HUF
Aggtelek, Radish Branch tour: Adults 5,500 HUF
Groups (10) 50 % discount.
ISIC card holders: 50 % discount.
Classification: SpeleologyKarst Cave Triassic limestone, 230 million years old.
Light: LightIncandescent
Dimension: L=25,000 m, VR=110 m, A=530 m asl, T=10 °C.
Guided tours: Jósvafõ tour: L=1,400 m, D=60 min.
Vörös-tó tour: L=2,300 m, D=120 min.
Aggtelek, short tour: L=1,000 m, D=60 min.
Aggtelek, long tour: L=7,000 m, D=5 h.
Aggtelek, Radish Branch tour: L=9,000 m, D=7 h.
V=180,000/a [2000]
Photography: allowed
Accessibility: no
Bibliography: György Czuppon, Attila Demény, Szabolcs Leél-Őssy, Mihály Óvari, Mihály Molnár, József Stieber, Klaudia Kiss6, Krisztina Kármán, Gergely Surányi, and László Haszpra (2018): Cave monitoring in the Béke and Baradla caves (Northeastern Hungary): implications for the conditions for the formation cave carbonates, International Journal of Speleology 47 (1) 13-28 Tampa, FL (USA) January 2018. pdf
Address: Aggteleki Nemzeti Park Igazgatóság (Aggtelek National Park), H-3758 Jósvafõ, Tengerszem oldal 1, Tel: +36-48-350-006, Fax: +36-48-350-006. E-mail: contact
For information: Tourinform-Aggtelek, Baradla oldal 1, 3759 Aggtelek, Tel/Fax: +36-48-343-073.
As far as we know this information was accurate when it was published (see years in brackets), but may have changed since then.
Please check rates and details directly with the companies in question if you need more recent info.


1549 the first record about the cave was published in Basel.
1742 the first Hungarian document about the cave was published.
1831 the first map of the Baradla was printed in Hungarian and German.
1806 first major construction project for the visit of Palatine Joseph.
1935 electric light.
1985 managed by the Directorate of the Aggtelek National Park.
1995 inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List.


Baradla Barlang is the largest cave of Hungary. It has three entrances: the natural entrance near Aggtelek and two artificial entrances. One artificial entrance is near Jósvafõ and the other one between Aggtelek and Jósvafõ, near Vörös-tó (Red Lake). In other words there are three different cave tours which start at different locations several kilometers apart which show the same cave.

The Aggtelek branch of the cave shows the Concert Hall. This huge chamber is used for concerts for many years. This part of the cave offers speleothems in extraordinary colours, blackish stalactites protruding from a red and green coloured ceiling.

The Jósvafõ branch has the Giant’s Hall. This chamber is used for a musical experience during the tour.

But the highlight is the through trip from one show cave to the other. Mainly a huge tunnel with few side passages, this tour is intended for the adventurous tourist. The tour is 7 km long, but very easy, no crawls, no narrow parts, no climbing. Just wear rubber boots because of the cave clay. The long tour includes even a picknick half way, bring a sandwich, picknick tables are provided. Before reaching the concrete trail on the other side, the boots are washed, otherwise the trips would bring dirt on the paths.

The cave extends across the political boundary to the Slovak Republic, about 5.000 m of this system lies beneath Slovakian territory. Another part of the same cave system is a fourth show cave, under the name ShowcaveJaskyna Domica on the other side of the border. This traverse is today, after the end of the cold war, not a problem anymore. The remnants of the metal gates which once formed an underground borderline are visible but defunct. The tour is impressive, but following stream passages, climbing through rimstone pools and Geologypotholes, is strenuous and includes getting wet. This tours is possible after appointment, but it requires the physical ability and appropriate gear like rubber boots, caver’s overall, helmet, waterproof lamps, and gloves.

Archaeological excavation showed that this cave was once visited by stone-age man.

The Baradla Cave is the most significant, the most studied, the longest, the richest cave not only in this region, but also in Hungary itself. Its activity, its length, and its stalactites and stalagmites make it the most prominent cave in the temperate zone.

The first major construction project was carried out in 1806, when Palatine Joseph visited the cave. The number of visitors increased due to the photographs and picture postcards issued from the end of the last century on. The cave was managed by the Magyar Kárpát Egyesület (Hungarian Carpathian Society) at this time.

Further attempts to enhance tourism were initiated in the 1920s. The Jósvafõ exit, and the inside bridges were completed. These are still used. The most impressive change happened when the electric system was built, and the visited sections were illuminated.

Since 1985 the Directorate of the Aggtelek National Park has been managing the Baradla Cave. The underground natural treasures, namely the caves of the Aggtelek Karst and the Slovak Karst were inscribed on the World Heritage List by the UNESCO in 1995.

It is the natural setting of several cave concerts throughout the year.

Text by Zsuzsa Tolnay, Aggtelek National Park (2001). With kind permission.

Baradla Barlang Gallery