We wrote the text below when the website was still copyrighted, and we thought copyright would be a good way to avoid some of the nasty drawbacks which are described below. Unfortunately, this did not work at all. So we have fundamentally changed our opinion on some things. We have put the whole website, which means all content, texts as well as pictures, under Public Domain (CC-0) licence. In other words, anyone can copy anything in whole or in part without crediting showcaves.com as the author. This does not invalidate the good reasons below, but we are no longer interested to invest time and work into this topic. Life has become much easier.
There are always people who think they have to "quote" complete texts from other websites. Sometimes they ask, usually they just copy. But it has also happened to us that they ask and then react angrily or even abusive to a negative answer. We are fundamentally against copying our texts. We have good reasons for this, which we believe are easy to understand for everyone. We would like to explain these reasons here.
Another addition [2024]: anyone who copies content and uses it as content for advertising hardly earns any money these days. What's more, AIs are now much more efficient at copying, and they also formulate it beautifully. There are already entire websites that are beautifully written and contain nothing but nonsense. Those who copy have done unnecessary work.